Friday, December 3, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sticky Rice

Ruby was placing sticky rice, very carefully, on her forehead between her eyes. I think she might have been a Hindu in a past life. Either that, or a bunny. But that's another story.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ruby's New Trick

She came out of her room pulling her grasshopper behind her. Who knew, you can pull those things yourself!

Happiness is a RED Ball

Ruby's favorite ball... And Mommy's too, since it can entertain Ruby for a looong time.


Ruby June loves Kindergym. She can practically keep up with the big kids. But they still steal her balls.


Ruby and her adorable friend Lucca James Bernardi. His Mommy thinks he had either just told Ruby a dirty joke, or farted. One of the two.

First day at the Beach Part II

Subtitle: Ahhh, the deliciousness of sand.

First Day at the Beach Part I


Helping Mommy bake.


Ruby discovered that she could zerbert us back. And after that, she discovered that she could zerbert her piggy ball. Should have caught it on film. Imagine farting noises.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fun with Rice

Ruby's fortune was: the solution to your problem will appear where you have yet to look. But she was more interested in the grains of rice Mommy and Daddy let her play with.

Milk is Milk

Laying on a blanket with Kim, Neil and Lucca Bernardi, Ruby decided to get in on a little cross-mommy nursing action. Lucca is busy eating right under that cloth around Kim's neck. Ruby crawled over to Kim and rolled into her lap.

Apple Blossom Festival Parde

Ruby June attended her first Apple Blossom Festival Parade this Saturday. She was a bit overwhelmed by all the people, noises and excitement and seemed happy to get home, drink some milk and play with her toys. But she looked cute!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lucca and Ruby

Ruby June and Lucca James meet for the second time. They had a good long talk, and then she tried to squish his perfect little face. Kim is already out and about, enjoying the sun at the park and nursing on the go. What a good and capable Mommy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ruby Laughing

It's amazing what seems funny these days. Ruby laughing at about six months.

Ruby's Raspberries

Ruby blowing raspberries at 5 1/2 months.

Bath Time

Ruby screamed as soon as she entered the bathtub until a few weeks ago when she learned that the bathtub can be fun. Now she splashes, plays with her toys, then cuddles up in her fuzzy towel.


Ruby June out at the Fools Parade in Occidental. She wore her whimsical green froggy coat and fit right in.

Rolly Polly Little Cherub

What a pudgy, thoughtful little bunny. She loves her Mommy and Daddy.

Out at the Zoo

Attending Aya's birthday party at the San Francisco zoo. Ruby will be a big one year old in no time at all!

Spelunking with Daddy

Five months old and off to adventure. Everyone had a great time.

Get in my Belly

Just a little reminder of where that little monkey came from. (Leah and Charles' wedding, photo by Rob Malmberg.)

Baby Bjorn Action

Out at the wineries with James and our friend Rob. Ruby wore her new sunhat, and looked fabulous.

Someday I'll get around to it...

I'm planning to copy this in watercolor for Ruby's nursery. It's a bird family road trip - of course!

Eating Grass

Ruby's first experience putting grass in her mouth. She thought it tasted a little strange. She prefers pears. Isn't that dress cute? Thanks Grandma Louann. Your granddaughter looks like the Audrey Hepburn of the 7 month olds.

I Need a Friend! - part II

Little Ruby June has lovely skin. People stop me in the supermarket to comment.

I Need a Friend!

A message to our friends, the Bernardi family. We were eagerly awaiting Lucca James. Now the two friends are getting to know one another.

Three Generations

Ruby June, her Mother, Grandmother Louann, and Great Grandmother Madelyn.


Ruby June as a newborn, napping on her Daddy's chest. They are sleepy babies.

Christmas tree shopping

Taking home their first Christmas Tree, the little pagan family stops for a photo op.

Chipmunk on crack!

The night she would not sleep! Actually, she didn't sleep well for the first few months because of her colic. But on this particular night, she was happily alert and ready for action. Notice the chipmunk cheeks. Wow that's cute.

Four Months and LOVING IT!

Our little flower... er, four month old. Note the natural mohawk.

Tiny little dancer

Miss Ruby June Roberts, boxing or dancing; you decide.

better than medicine

This is our laughing little baby at four months old. What a pudgy little muffin. Those laughs are more and more frequent these days.

Holiday Card, alternate version

The holiday card you never got. Apparently there was too much white in the photo for the printer to use on "that type of paper." This led to the following photo shoot.

Two months old, still sunny out

Our little pumpkin at two months old. This was her first official photo shoot. At the time, her hair was just beginning to form a mullet in the back and mohawk on top. She's always been very fashion forward.